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Resource StructureDefinition/FHIR Server from package jp-core.r4#1.1.1-rc (125 ms)

Package jp-core.r4
Type StructureDefinition
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source http://jpfhir.jp/fhir/core/https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=jp-core.r4@1.1.1-rc&canonical=http://jpfhir.jp/fhir/core/StructureDefinition/JP_FamilyMemberHistory
Url http://jpfhir.jp/fhir/core/StructureDefinition/JP_FamilyMemberHistory
Version 1.1.1
Status active
Date 2022-10-24
Name JP_FamilyMemberHistory
Title JP Core FamilyMemberHistory Profile
Experimental False
Realm jp
Description このプロファイルはFamilyMemberHistoryリソースに対して、データを送受信するための共通の制約と拡張を定めたものである。
Type FamilyMemberHistory
Kind resource

Resources that use this resource

JP_Client_CapabilityStatement JP Core Client CapabilityStatement
JP_Server_CapabilityStatement JP Core Server CapabilityStatement

Resources that this resource uses

JP_AllergyIntolerance JP Core AllergyIntolerance Profile
JP_Condition JP Core Condition Profile
JP_DiagnosticReport_Common JP Core DiagnosticReport Common Profile
JP_Observation_Common JP Core Observation Common Profile
JP_Patient JP Core Patient Profile


  "resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
  "id" : "jp-familymemberhistory",
  "extension" : [
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-category",
      "valueString" : "Clinical.Summary"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-security-category",
      "valueCode" : "patient"
  "url" : "http://jpfhir.jp/fhir/core/StructureDefinition/JP_FamilyMemberHistory",
  "version" : "1.1.1",
  "name" : "JP_FamilyMemberHistory",
  "title" : "JP Core FamilyMemberHistory Profile",
  "status" : "active",
  "date" : "2022-10-24",
  "description" : "このプロファイルはFamilyMemberHistoryリソースに対して、データを送受信するための共通の制約と拡張を定めたものである。",
  "fhirVersion" : "4.0.1",
  "mapping" : [
      "identity" : "workflow",
      "uri" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/workflow",
      "name" : "Workflow Pattern"
      "identity" : "v2",
      "uri" : "http://hl7.org/v2",
      "name" : "HL7 v2 Mapping"
      "identity" : "rim",
      "uri" : "http://hl7.org/v3",
      "name" : "RIM Mapping"
      "identity" : "w5",
      "uri" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/fivews",
      "name" : "FiveWs Pattern Mapping"
  "kind" : "resource",
  "abstract" : false,
  "type" : "FamilyMemberHistory",
  "baseDefinition" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/FamilyMemberHistory",
  "derivation" : "constraint",
  "differential" : {
    "element" : [
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory",
        "short" : "Information about patient's relatives, relevant for patient. 患者の家族に関する情報のうち、患者に関連する情報(家族歴)",
        "definition" : "Significant health conditions for a person related to the patient relevant in the context of care for the patient.\r\n\r\n患者の診療に関連する、患者家族の疾患に関する情報。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.text",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.text",
        "short" : "Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation. このリソースを人間が解釈するためのテキスト要約"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.status",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.status",
        "short" : "partial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown この家族歴の記録ステータス(部分的 | 完全 | 記録エラー | 健康状態不明)",
        "definition" : "A code specifying the status of the record of the family history of a specific family member.\r\n\r\n家族歴の記録のステータス。記録が部分的なものか完全なものかなど。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.dataAbsentReason",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.dataAbsentReason",
        "short" : "subject-unknown | withheld | unable-to-obtain | deferred この家族歴が記録されない理由(対象家族を知らない | 情報の提供を拒否 | 聞き出すことができない | 後日情報を提供できる)",
        "definition" : "Describes why the family member's history is not available.\r\n\r\n1)subject-unknown:患者が対象の家族のことを知らない(例:患者は養子のため実親を知らない)\r\n\r\n2)withheld:患者が家族歴の共有を拒否\r\n\r\n3)unable-to-obtain:患者から聞き取れない(例:患者が意識不明)\r\n\r\n4)deferred:患者は今は知らないが、後日共有するつもりである"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.patient",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.patient",
        "short" : "Patient history is about. この家族歴を有する患者",
        "definition" : "The person who this history concerns.\r\n\r\nこの家族歴を有する患者。",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.date",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.date",
        "short" : "When history was recorded or last updated. この家族歴の最終更新日",
        "definition" : "The date (and possibly time) when the family member history was recorded or last updated.\r\n\r\nこの家族歴の最終更新日。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.name",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.name",
        "short" : "The family member described. この家族の名前",
        "definition" : "This will either be a name or a description; e.g. \"Aunt Susan\", \"my cousin with the red hair\".\r\n\r\n対象の家族の呼び名。例えば「スーザンおばさん」「赤毛のいとこ」。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.relationship",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.relationship",
        "short" : "Relationship to the subject. この家族の患者との関係(父、母、兄弟など)",
        "definition" : "The type of relationship this person has to the patient (father, mother, brother etc.). \r\n\r\nこの家族が患者とどのような関係か(父、母、兄弟など)"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.sex",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.sex",
        "short" : "male | female | other | unknown 性別(男性 | 女性 | その他 | 不明)",
        "definition" : "The birth sex of the family member.\r\n\r\nこの家族の出生時の性別。",
        "binding" : {
          "extension" : [
              "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/elementdefinition-bindingName",
              "valueString" : "Sex"
          "strength" : "extensible",
          "description" : "Codes describing the sex assigned at birth as documented on the birth registration.\r\n\r\n出生届に記載される出生時に割り当てられた性別。",
          "valueSet" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/administrative-gender"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.born[x]",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.born[x]",
        "short" : "(approximate) date of birth. この家族のおよその生年月日",
        "definition" : "The actual or approximate date of birth of the relative.\r\n\r\n家族の実際もしくはおおよその生年月日。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.age[x]",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.age[x]",
        "short" : "(approximate) age. この家族のおよその年齢",
        "definition" : "The age of the relative at the time the family member history is recorded.\r\n\r\n家族歴が記録された時点でのこの家族の年齢。",
        "requirements" : "While age can be calculated from date of birth, sometimes recording age directly is more natural for clinicians.\r\n\r\n年齢は生年月日から計算できるが、臨床医にとっては年齢を直接記録する方が自然な場合もある。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.estimatedAge",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.estimatedAge",
        "short" : "Age is estimated? この家族の年齢は推定か?",
        "definition" : "If true, indicates that the age value specified is an estimated value.\r\n\r\nTrueである場合この年齢は推定値である。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.deceased[x]",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.deceased[x]",
        "short" : "Dead? How old/when? この家族は亡くなっているか、そうであれば何歳もしくはいつ亡くなったか",
        "definition" : "Deceased flag or the actual or approximate age of the relative at the time of death for the family member history record.\r\n\r\n死亡したかどうかのフラグ/家族の死亡時の実年齢/おおよその年齢。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.reasonCode",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.reasonCode",
        "short" : "Why was family member history performed? なぜ家族歴が聴取されたか(契機となった患者の疾患)",
        "definition" : "Describes why the family member history occurred in coded or textual form.\r\n\r\n家族歴を聴取する契機となった患者の疾患をコードもしくはテキストで記述(CodeableConcept)"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.reasonReference",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.reasonReference",
        "short" : "Why was family member history performed? なぜ家族歴が聴取されたか(契機となったFHIRリソース)",
        "definition" : "Indicates a JP_Condition, JP_Observation, JP_AllergyIntolerance, or JP_QuestionnaireResponse JP_Observation_Common, or JP_DiagnosticReport_Common that justifies this family member history event.\r\n\r\nこの家族歴が聴取されたきっかけとなったFHIRリソースへの参照。",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.note",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.note",
        "short" : "General note about related person. この家族に関するメモ",
        "definition" : "This property allows a non condition-specific note to the made about the related person. Ideally, the note would be in the condition property, but this is not always possible.\r\n\r\nこの家族に関するメモ。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.condition",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.condition",
        "short" : "Condition that the related person had. この家族が有する疾患",
        "definition" : "The significant Conditions (or condition) that the family member had. This is a repeating section to allow a system to represent more than one condition per resource, though there is nothing stopping multiple resources - one per condition.\r\n\r\nこの家族が持っていた疾患。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.condition.code",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.condition.code",
        "short" : "Condition suffered by relation. この家族の疾患",
        "definition" : "The actual condition specified. Could be a coded condition (like MI or Diabetes) or a less specific string like 'cancer' depending on how much is known about the condition and the capabilities of the creating system.\r\n\r\nこの疾患について知られている程度や作成システムの能力に応じて、コード化された状態(MIや糖尿病など)、または「がん」のようなあまり特定されない文字列になる可能性がある。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.condition.outcome",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.condition.outcome",
        "short" : "deceased | permanent disability | etc. この疾患のアウトカム(死亡 | 後遺障害 | その他)",
        "definition" : "Indicates what happened following the condition. If the condition resulted in death, deceased date is captured on the relation.\r\n\r\nその状態の後に何が起こったかを示す。その結果、死亡した場合は、死亡した日付が関連に記録される。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.condition.contributedToDeath",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.condition.contributedToDeath",
        "short" : "Whether the condition contributed to the cause of death. この疾患が死亡の原因となったかどうか",
        "definition" : "This condition contributed to the cause of death of the related person. If contributedToDeath is not populated, then it is unknown.\r\n\r\nこの疾患が家族の死亡に寄与したかどうかのフラグ。入力されていない場合は、不明である。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onset[x]",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onset[x]",
        "short" : "When condition first manifested. この疾患のオンセット",
        "definition" : "Either the age of onset, range of approximate age or descriptive string can be recorded. For conditions with multiple occurrences, this describes the first known occurrence.\r\n\r\n発症年齢、おおよその年齢範囲、記述文字列のいずれかを記録する。複数回発生する疾患については、最初に知られている発生を記述する。"
        "id" : "FamilyMemberHistory.condition.note",
        "path" : "FamilyMemberHistory.condition.note",
        "short" : "Extra information about condition. この疾患についての追加の情報メモ",
        "definition" : "An area where general notes can be placed about this specific condition.\r\n\r\nこの疾患についての一般的なメモ。"
  "text" : {

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